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This election is a referendum on whether or not political parties will control our BV Schools

Blue Valley voters, do you want our School Board members checking with a political party before they make decisions for your kids? If the answer is NO, make your voice heard: VOTE today or Tuesday. If this fundamental shift happens, there is no turning back. The time to defend our kids and our community is NOW.

A candidate for our School Board is paying to send letters all over Blue Valley, telling voters that she is running as a Republican. This candidate is brazenly paying for these letters from her own campaign. Certain politicians have been trying to make local elections, including School Board, partisan for several years now. So far, though, local elections are NONpartisan, and candidates aren’t allowed to list party affiliation - that’s the rule.

In partisan elections, candidates identify with a political party. Candidates, and then elected officials, would then be beholden to the party officials in JoCo and even statewide. Our community isn’t interested in our School Board members checking with their political party (Republican or Democratic) before making critical decisions about our Blue Valley Schools! Decisions about curriculum, and class sizes, and which Superintendent will be hired. Whether we are Republicans or Democrats, we don’t want political parties calling the shots for our kids. Our School Board members have always had political affiliations, of course - but they’ve not made it an issue. They advocate for our kids without the polarizing effects of political party that we are seeing now on the national level.

The very same candidates who say they are running to represent Blue Valley taxpayers and want local control of our schools, are the ones who will be answering to the county and state political party.

If our community stays home and doesn’t reject this at the polls, if they win this time - this will be the future of our Blue Valley Schools. You must stand up for our kids and their schools with your vote.

See our endorsements here:

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