Stand Up Blue Valley is a non-partisan organization of parents and community stakeholders in the Blue Valley area who are concerned about the impact of legislation and outside interests on our award-winning public schools.

1. We are parents of Blue Valley students and graduates.
2. We are parents, grandparents, homeowners, business owners, BV alumni, and retirees who value our Blue Valley Schools.
3. We are ALL volunteers - since 2015. We are NOT paid to advocate for our community's schools.
4. We are 100% reliant on donations from fellow parents and Blue Valley patrons to cover expenses, including social media advertising and yard signs.
5. Our finances are fully transparent. As a Political Action Committee, we are required to file regular finance reports with the Kansas Secretary of State.
6. We are NOT affiliated with ANY "teachers' union." We do not accept donations from ANY union.
7. Our personal political affiliations include Republican, Democrat, and Independent.
8. Stand Up Blue Valley is completely nonpartisan. We have endorsed candidates representing BOTH major political parties over the years.
9. We care about protecting the schools our children and our neighbors' kids attend. Public education is the foundation of our democracy.
10. If you moved to Blue Valley for the schools or enjoy living in the vibrant community those schools create, then Stand Up Blue Valley is for YOU!