This article was originally posted 02/14/2021 on SUBV Facebook page
A bill to greatly increase the number of Kansas students eligible for the voucher-like program which diverts tax money to private schools was passed by the Kansas Senate last week. A NO vote on this bill is a vote FOR Blue Valley Schools.
Blue Valley-area Senator Cindy Holscher (District , who was endorsed by SUBV in 2020, voted NO and FOR BV Schools.
BV-area Senators Kellie Warren (District 11), Rob Olson (District 23) and Molly Baumgardner (District 37) all voted YES - in favor of this money-laundering scheme to give tax money to private schools. That’s a vote AGAINST our BV Schools. SUBV has never endorsed Warren, Olson, or Baumgardner.
Legislation that would take tax money out of the state General Fund (which is used to fund schools) and give it to private, mostly religious schools, that are allowed to discriminate in accepting students and aren’t accountable to show student progress or how the money is used, is opposed by Blue Valley Schools, Kansas Association of School Boards, and other school districts and education advocacy groups across the state.
Some have described expansion of this voucher-like program as the beginning of the end of our world-class Blue Valley Schools.
Read more about this tax money diversion scheme here: and here: Read about the Senate vote here:
Find out who your Senator is here:
