We've learned that the Kansas House will vote tomorrow on a school finance bill that will add $90 million annually to adjust for inflation, and contain a Consumer Price Index feature to adjust for inflation after 2022. Governor Kelly is urging Kansas voters to ask our Representatives to vote for the bill, which contains the plan she supported.
Here are the email addresses of BV-area House members - in case you haven't already put yours in your address book. Pick your Rep from the list and email TONIGHT!
If you aren't sure about how public-education friendly your Rep is, it's a good idea to CC one who IS friendly. We suggest Rep. Cindy Holscher, who is on the House K-12 Education Budget Committee (and therefore suffered through them NOT working on Education Budget all session!).
In your email, give your name and address, state you are their constituent, and ask that they vote to support the Senate funding bill that will fund public schools with the inflation adjustment. Let us know if you get a reply!
Chris.Croft@house.ks.gov cindy.holscher@house.ks.gov Jan.Kessinger@house.ks.gov Adam.Thomas@house.ks.gov Sean.Tarwater@house.ks.gov Kellie.Warren@house.ks.gov Brett.Parker@house.ks.gov David.Benson@house.ks.gov Megan.Lynn@house.ks.gov ron.ryckman@house.ks.gov