We’re seeing unprecedented spending by outsiders in a local senate race. Liberty First Project, a new voucher-supporting dark-money organization, is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on STREAMING ADS for Kellie Warren. Do you know how expensive streaming ads are?!! Clearly, the school privateers NEED Warren to win.
Since 2019, Warren has voted FOR vouchers, fought AGAINST Gov. Laura Kelly on school funding, voted FOR irresponsible tax cuts for wealthy Kansans, and voted AGAINST voting rights. She does NOT “work with” Gov. Kelly. And she certainly does NOT vote for our kids and their schools. Read about Warren’s votes here: www.standupbluevalley.org/blog/categories/kellie-warren
Warren was behind the Aug. 2022 “Value Them Both” constitutional amendment that failed in her own senate district by 67%, and she has continued to vote FOR restrictions to women’s reproductive rights since then. That’s how out of touch she is with constituents. See Warren’s 2022 “Value Them Both” interview here, where she describes herself as a “battle-tested conservative”: https://www.wibw.com/2022/07/12/ag-candidate-has-close-connection-value-them-both-amendment
Senate 11 voters have a much better option: we’ve endorsed corporate attorney Karen Thurlow - a longtime Blue Valley resident and mom to two BV grads. Karen is a centrist candidate dedicated to working across the aisle to support our schools, and represent the values of Senate 11. Learn about Karen Thurlow here: www.karen4kansas.com/
Early In-Person Voting starts Sat., Oct. 19. Please consider sharing this post on social media and talking to your Senate 11 friends and neighbors about Karen Thurlow. We cannot possibly compete with the deep pockets of groups like the Liberty First Project and Americans For (Their Own) Prosperity without your help.
See our endorsements and get information on voting days/times/locations here: www.standupbluevalley.org/
See map of District 11 here: www.karen4kansas.com/ (scroll down)
