We've endorsed native Kansan and 33-year Blue Valley resident Pam Shernuk for Kansas House District 8. HD 8 is located in the west-central area of Blue Valley; BVNW and BVW High Schools are included in its boundaries.
Pam Shernuk has played a prominent role in Blue Valley for decades. Her sons attended BV Schools, where she served on PTA/PTOs and other committees. Shernuk worked for the Blue Valley School District for over 20 years, both at schools and at the district office, in roles ranging from kindergarten para to administrative positions in the superintendent’s office. She has also volunteered in a variety of capacities in our schools. She chaired the Johnson County Commission on Aging and served on the Board of Directors of the Johnson County Christmas Bureau.
Pam Shernuk supports fully-funded public schools and will NOT vote to give tax dollars to private schools. Her priorities include attracting and retaining quality educators, and giving local control to school districts. Shernuk is endorsed by THREE previous BV Superintendents. If elected, she will be accountable and responsive to constituents, which her opponent has not been.
Shernuk’s opponent, MAGA-Republican incumbent Chris Croft, moved to Blue Valley in 2018 specifically to run against a highly-regarded moderate Republican legislator who had helped to overturn the Brownback Tax Disaster. He is backed by the NRA and Americans for Prosperity, and has voted exactly like you would expect from those endorsements: voting for voucher schemes that would give tax money to private schools, and for Brownback-style tax cuts that disproportionately favor the ultra-wealthy and would result in cuts to school funding. Croft has regularly voted the OPPOSITE of the Blue Valley School Board’s legislative positions. Read more here: https://www.standupbluevalley.org/blog/categories/chris-croft
Croft routinely works against Gov. Kelly’s centrist agenda. He is SO entrenched with dark-money Americans for (Their Own) Prosperity that he even features them on his campaign Facebook cover page.
See the District 8 map here: https://www.pam4kansas.com/ (scroll down)
Visit Pam Shernuk’s website to read all of her positions, donate to her campaign and request a sign: https://www.pam4kansas.com/
Shernuk’s FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pam4kansas
House District 8 voters, be sure your family and neighbors know to vote FOR our kids’ Blue Valley Schools by voting for Pam Shernuk.