Rep. Chris Croft, in recently-released Zoom calls with JoCo Republicans, including KsLeg candidates, “touted his success in getting out-of-state financial support to help preserve the GOP supermajority in the Legislature.”
Listen: OUT-OF-STATE financial support to preserve the anti-public education, anti-tax, anti-government SUPERMAJORITY that’s responsible for the current gridlock in Topeka.
Croft told the group that “changing the corporate tax formula would be the “big thing” for next year...“reducing the corporate tax rate overall with the intent to drive it to zero.” Why does that sounds familiar? Oh right - it was Brownback’s “March to Zero” tax disaster that defunded Kansas public schools and other services to where they STILL haven’t fully recovered.
That’s 1.5 BILLION dollars in taxes currently being paid by corporations that would be eliminated.
MAGA Republican legislators and candidates haven’t learned anything from the Brownback tax disaster, and they aren’t listening to voters. Why should multinational corporations weasel out of paying taxes at the expense of Kansas’s K-12 schools and universities, highways, law enforcement, senior services, and others?
How many of Croft’s CONSTITUENTS asked for corporations to get out of paying their taxes? Or maybe that was his Americans for (Their Own) Prosperity backers?
The ONLY thing standing in the way of Croft’s plans is Gov. Kelly’s veto power. And if AFP-backed Republicans are able to retain a supermajority in both chambers of the legislature, she won’t have any veto power. Along with every other public school advocacy group, we’ve endorsed Croft’s opponent, Pam Shernuk, in this race.
Legislators Chris Croft, Kellie Warren, Carl Turner, Sean Tarwater, along with candidates Jerry Charlton, Randy Ross, Kurt Ruf, and TJ Rose, are COUNTING on being able to get away with anything they want - by overriding the Governor’s vetoes, like MAGA Republicans did with several bills last session.
They held back though, leading up to this year’s election - so they could claim to have “worked with” Gov. Kelly, and so they wouldn’t have a drastic corporate tax cut on their records.
If you are not voting for Trump, DON’T send MAGAs to the Kansas statehouse. We’ve tried that before, with disastrous results. Send Croft packing, and elect Pam Shernuk to replace him in House District 8.
Read the whole article here: https://kansasreflector.com/2024/10/11/kansas-republican-leader-says-0-corporate-tax-rate-is-next-big-thing-in-private-zoom-call/
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